Robert Schaap

Blogging like it’s 1999

  • Multiple NeoVim configurations

    Recently I’ve been using Neovim to write some Rust code. The fastest way to get up and running seemed to be NvChad. After using that for a while I decided I wanted to try out some other configurations such as kickstart.

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  • Git master branch

    There has been a lot of discussion about the master branch in git, which is the default branch for git. It is based on an oppressive metaphor and it seems like now is a good time to choose a new name.

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  • Readline basics

    Every developer should learn some basics of GNU Readline. Readline allows you to edit commands. It pops up in a lot of places. Knowing the basics will make your life much easier.

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  • Pigmentize and Ubuntu terminal

    Quick post about how to configure pygmentize to be usable in the default Ubuntu terminal. Writing this up because I wanted to post a screenshot of some code on Twitter.

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  • Azure DevOps

    In this post I elaborate a little bit more on how this website is build and deployed using Azure DevOps. To accomplish this I mainly use the Azure Pipelines and Azure Repos funcionality of the service.

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  • Personal gitignore file

    Everybody should be free to use their own tools and workflow without causing problems for other people. Therefore I always recommend people to maintain a personal gitignore file for rules that are specific to you but not the project.

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  • Azure static website

    In this post I describe how this static website is hosted in Microsoft Azure using a serverless architecture and how to add a contact form. This will be a pretty high level post, for details feel free to reach out to me using the contact form.

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  • Hello world!

    This website has been set up for publishing technical articles. The last time I maintained a personal website was in the early 2000s, so I might be a little bit rusty.

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